Malakim (Civ4 FFH)
Malakim | |||||||
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Übersicht | |||||||
Gesinnung | Gut | ||||||
Spielstil | Baumeister | ||||||
Spielfarbe | Gelb | ||||||
Leitmotiv | Wüstenmenschen | ||||||
Palastressourcen | Feuermana Lebensmana Geistesmana | ||||||
Starttechnologien | Anbetung | ||||||
Weltzauber | Religiöser Eifer (Erzeugen von Priestern mit der Stärke abhängig von den mit der Staatsreligion verbreiteten Städte) | ||||||
Anführer | |||||||
Anführer | Eigenschaften | ||||||
Varn Gosam | Kreativ Adaptiv Kommerziell | ||||||
Decius | Organisiert Räuberisch | ||||||
Helden | |||||||
Held | ersetzt | ||||||
Chalid Astrakein | |||||||
Gebäude | |||||||
Gebäude | ersetzt | ||||||
Palast der Malakim | Palast | ||||||
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Spezielle Fähigkeiten
Die einzigen Elfen, die die Malakim bisher gesehen hatten, waren die finsteren Svartalfar. Als dann eine Gruppe von Jägern auf einen fast toten Elfen stieß, nahmen sie ihn mit in ihr Dorf und beschlossen, anstatt ihn zu töten, seine Wunden zu versorgen. Als er erwachte, erklärte er, dass er Varn Gosam sei und dass er aus seiner Heimat geflohen wäre. Die Malakim spürten, dass er die Wahrheit sagte und erlaubten ihm, unter ihnen zu leben.
Varn baute in dem kleinen Dorf einen Schrein für Lugus und begann, die neu gegründete Religion unter den Dorfbewohnern zu verbreiten. Die Kunde von seine Erholung machte schnell die Runde und der ehemalige Elfenprinz fand sich bald als Führer wieder. Er akzeptierte seine neue Rolle und führte die Malakim durch die folgenden harten Jahre und in das Licht des Lugus.
Dawn of Man Text
Strategie: Varn Gosam beginnt mit den Eigenschaften Kreativ und Finanziell, eine mächtige Kombination in Vanilla Civ, und hier genauso brauchbar. Schnelle Ausbreitung erbringt gute Resultate, da die kostenintensiven Obelisken für Malakim-Städte zur Expansion nicht gebraucht werden. Dörfer sind für diese Zivilisation besonders günstig, aber andere Strategien sind genauso praktikabel. Das Feuermana, mit dem sie beginnen, führt schnell zu Feuerbällen für Magier. Malakim-Einheiten beginnen auch mit der Nomaden-Beförderung, die ihnen erlaubt, die negativen Auswirkungen von Wüsten zu ignorieren.
Varn Gosam ist einer der nur drei Anführer, der über die Eigenschaft adaptiv verfügt. Damit kann seine Eigenschaften an die unterschiedlichen Spielphasen anpassen. Gerade magisch begabt oder spirituell sind besonders nützlich in den späten Spielphasen. Aber auch seine sonstigen Eigenschaften kreativ und kommerziell sind eine mächtige Kombination.
Namen der Städte
- Golden Leane
- Timberling
- Balderham
- Lodente
- Froihk
- Bryn
- Belerien
- Tiriyn
- Stormgul
- Udgul
- Uros
- Grison
- Minolow
- Chish
- Adihaniel
- Shotaka
The Malakim
Geography and extent
The Malakim were a small community when Varn Gosam rose to prominence within their midst a couple generations into the Age of Rebirth. Situated along the Scorpion river through the Malaka desert river were a few scattered tribes of nomads, aiding traders on their passage and watching out for the Svartalfar who occasionally would raid them for slaves. In year 15 of the fourth age, one of the pale shadow elves came to them as an envoy—not of the Svartalfar nation he was fleeing, but from the sun god Lugus who had saved him from his kin. The Malakim took to his message with a fervor, and from nomadic tribes a thriving civilization soon developed. The quarrelsome tribal leaders retained control over the citizens, but Varn Gossam is the spiritual advisor to whom they turn to resolve their disputes or get advice. His faith united these tribes and quickly permanent cities developed along the fertile river valley. After a few dozen years the river valley had a booming population and Malakim settlements clung to the edges of the great Malaka desert.
Religion and Other Institutions
The priesthood of Lugus is extremely prevalent in Malakim society, although it is a priesthood that has arisen from the nomadic culture of the Malakim tribes. They do not lead elaborate rituals in cathedrals, but function as tribal elders, advising leaders and warlords in Varn Gosam’s stead. The shape of the society is profoundly influenced by the principles of Lugus that Gosam laid out. Houses are designed and built without walls, for what secrets should one hide from their community? Cities are arranged in a simple circle to mimic the great sun. Other religions, even evil ones, are allowed to operate within Malakim society, on the stipulation that they be completely open. Of course this completely rules out the Ashen Veil and the cult of Esus. Varn Gosam believes in giving his people a free and open society, but moreso, he believes in the power and goodness of his god. So he allows the disciples of Junil, Kilmorph, Amatheon, or even Camulos or the mad cultists of the Octopus Overlords to come and trade and preach, and even win some converts, but by and large these other creeds make little impact on Malakim culture. Partly this is due to Varn Gosam’s zeal, but also due to the tribal nature of the society, where differing from one’s family and clan in a matter as important as religion is a difficult taboo to break.
Through the ages
The people of the Malakim are descended from inhabitants of a border province in Patria, the large human kingdom in the age of Magic. The kingdom was ruled by a powerful Kylorin the immortal mage, whose repentance sundered the empires such that it did not survive intact to face the destruction that heralded the end of the Age. The small states that survived this political change were led by men ill prepared to hold a people together though the rain of fire and reign of ice, and the Malakim’s ancestors, like many others, lost all sense of themselves as a unified nation.
The age of ice was as hard on the Malakim as any other. The desert life they knew was utterly changed, and none the friendlier. They were south east of the Illians’ empire. Some Malakim tribes paid tribute when the Frost Speakers, priests of the White hand, came through with their war bands and frost giants. Others, like most people of the time, hid in whatever caves they could find, shunning a world gone mad.
Capable and trustworthy allies were the difference between life and death during this time, which is why so many cultures emerged with a strong emphasis on tribal loyalty. Clans and families demanded allegiance and shared shelter and food in return. Strangers were generally given hospitality, but rarely trusted, for so many sold themselves to Mulcarn and his priests for but a bit of respite from the blizzards.
When Mulcarn was killed and control was released over the domain of winter, climates across Erebus quickly warmed up. The people of the Malakim were several generations removed from their desert dwelling ancestors. A few ancient chants survived in each tribe, enough for them to quickly learn which plants were to be tended, how to find water, what cycles the great rivers used in its flooding, how to survive a sandstorm and other essentials of survival in the harsh Malaka desert.
Within ten to fifteen years, as other civilizations sprang up around the world with their own bits of lost knowledge, resources, and goods, the Malakim had returned to their roles as desert traders, guiding merchants through sandstorms, from oasis to oasis. The Calabim, Kuriotate, Gigori, and Dwarven empires were common destinations at this time. The shadow elves, living in the still chilly woodlands, occasionally raided these caravans if they drifted too far to the north. The Malakim learned to always be on guard against these pale fey, who seemed to disappear like the grey spotted forest cats in their woods. Occasionally the Malakim tribes would war with one another over an important watering hole or slight to their honor, but by and large these were peaceful times.
One caravan, led by a young man named Auric Ulvin, ventured too far to the north, attempting to find a new route through the Merisfar mountain range. He and his companions wandered into a valley wreathed in fog. They stumbled around blindly for several days, until they were caught by a band of Svartalfar hunters. With a limited command of the Elven tongue, the young nomads were at a loss to explain themselves, and the charges against them grew from trespassing to theft to sacrilege as they were dragged before the Svartalfar patrol’s commanders.
A young noble understood their language, or enough of it to become convinced of their innocence. Tainted with less of the Elven arrogance than his peers, Varn Gosam argued for their release, to no avail. Auric and his friends were to be taken north, to a Svartalfar city for a trial sure to result in enslavement or death. Varn Gosam attempted to sneak the humans out of the camp, but was caught by his own brother, who lusted after Varn’s position and birthright. Auric Ulvin had a gift, though he did not understand it at the time, for sensing and manipulating mana, and in desperation he reached through the vale for any source of magic he could find to use. The faint source he felt through it was the Sun, and when he pulled its power he flooded the perpetually dark vale with light. The magic of the Vale of Shadows, a gateway to Arawn’s realm, was destroyed, and their captors were blinded by the light and stunned by the magical backlash. Auric and his friends fled from the valley, intending to go south, homeward. Auric led them in the opposite direction, however, for there had been one last traveller from Arawn’s Vault, the spirit of the dead god Mulcarn. He lay, barely conscious, within Auric, urging him to the sacred cavern where Mulcarn had been slain by the Godslayer sword years earlier.
Auric was not the only one contacted, however. Auric’s use of the Sun’s magic had drawn the attention of its patron, Lugus. Lugus noticed the return of the evil god into mortal realms, and contacted the nearest decent hearted mortal. Lugus was not one of the subtle gods, and could get no specific message to Varn Gosam. Instead, he merely issued a call to the shadow elf, a call to service that would utterly change the course of his life. Gosam fled the Vale, his brother, and his former life, seeking knowledge of the god whose face he saw in the flash of light. The Astrakein tribe found Varn Gosam wandering in the rocky foothills just to the northwest of one of their trade routes. They marveled at how an elf could survive the cold merely clad in tattered robes. Varn Gosam collapsed into their arms. The Malakim men knew the Svartalfar elves as their foes, but gave care to this injured one anyway. When he awoke he told them of what had happened, and gained his first followers.
He spent many days meditating at the edge of the Malaka desert, at an Oasis that was to become known as the Well of Revelation. The Lightbringer religion was formed as he meditated. Though not always a missionary faith, the religion of the Lightbringer had a profound impact on the Age of Rebirth through uniting and shaping the Malakim under their spiritual advisor, Varn Gosam.
The Malakim are a good nation due to Varn Gosam's revival of their ancient allegiance to Lugus. His old people the Svartalfar are some of their biggest enemies, though full war is rare, as the shadow elves are more accustomed to stealth and raids. The Calabim are another source of conflict. Ljosofar and the Malakim share a common foe, but little basis for understanding each other’s cultures. The Girgori respect Malakim openness if not their zeal, and the lucrative desert trade routes may give them enough money to earn the respect of the Khazad and Hippus. The Doviello could be a menace, but neither people is comfortable fighting in the other’s home. And Varn Gosam feels a great deal of unease regarding the Illians which he can’t quite explain, but he keeps a close watch on this civilization’s resurgence. The Elohim should gain close ties to the Malakim trough the age of rebirth as the threat of evil grows.
Key Personalities
Varn Gosam
Varn Gosam is the spiritual leader of the Malakim. The tribes of the Malaka desert have been stitched into a united force under his guidance and the teachings of Lugus the Sun god, and though he ostensibly claims no civil authority, few if any tribal leaders would take action if it were suspected that Varn disapproved.
Talia Gosam
Talia was an apprentice of a druid in one of the Malakim tribes. The natural knowledge and cantrips she mastered aided the Malakim in surviving in the desert, and it was she who was called on to aid the weakened Varn Gosam when he first came to them. She is wild and emphatic to his calm introspection, but they developed a close bond and eventually wed. Some question how the zealous Gosam remains so close to the neutral nature priest Talia. Gosam admires her tenderness and passion, leaving her beliefs and divine allegiance up to her own will so long as she serves the good of their people. Beyond his rational evaluation of her, however, is his deep love. Some question if his affections are returned as deeply, however.
Chalid Astrakein
Chalid and Ashrad are the sons of the leader of the Astrakein tribe, Ashrad the elder and Chalid the younger. Varn Gosam sees himself and his own younger brother in them, but instead of jealousy and malice, they have a genuine love for each other. Varn took Chalid under his wing early, and worked to quell any envy Chalid would get for his brother’s position. Chalid took his identity from Varn’s teachings, discovering in himself a strong potential for wielding fire magic well complementing his martial training. Chalid now functions as Varn’s bodyguard and avenger.
Fall from Heaven II - Anführer |
Alexis | Amelanchier | Arendel Phaedra | Arturus Thorne | Auric Ulvin | Basium | Beeri Bawl | Capria | Cardith Lorda | Cassiel | Charadon | Dain der Caswallawn | Decius | Einion Logos | Ethne die Weisse | Faeryl Viconia | Falamar | Flauros | Garrim Gyr | Hannah die Irin | Hyborem | Jonas Endain | Kandros Fir | Keelyn | Mahala | Morgoth | Os-Gabella | Perpentach | Rhoanna | Sabathiel | Sheelba | Tasunke | Tebryn Arbandi | Thessa | Valledia die Gerechte | Varn Gosam |