Kriegsverhalten der KI (Civ4 FFH)
Aus CivWiki
The Warscript is basically a re-write of how the AI players determine when they go to war, and against whom they go to war. It does not directly affect human players.
- Version 0.21c
- If this civilization's team is at war with another civilization's team, there is a 6% chance that this civilization will dogpile against a player in that opposing team that it isn't presently at war with.
- if the Warscript is allowed:
- If this civilization is not at war, and another player is building the Tower of Mastery, declare war on them.
- If this civilization is not at war, is evil, and another player is building the Altar of the Luonnotar (Exalted), declare war on them.
- If this civilization is the Mercurians, and the other civilization has The Ashen Veil as a state religion, declare war on them.
- If this civilization is the Ljosalfar, and the other player is the Svartalfar, and the Armageddon Counter is over 20, and this civilization has a higher rank than the other one, declare war on them.
- If this civilization is the Svartalfar, and the other player is the Ljosalfar, and the Armageddon Counter is over 20, and this civilization has a higher rank than the other one, declare war on them.
- If this civilization is the Doviello or Infernal, or the Armageddon Counter is over 40, and this civilization is Evil, and their team is not at war, declare war on the highest ranked other player.
Warscript Allowed Definition
- The Barbarian Player can't use the warscript.
- A player can't use this against a team it hasn't met.
- A player won't use this with a civlization if the Peace counter is under 20.
- A player won't use this against a civilization if it's already at war with its team.
- The Infernals won't use this against a player with The Ashen Veil as its state relgion.
- Otherwise, the Warscript is allowed.
Dogpile description
- A Dogpile is a second player joining in on a present war with the current player against a victim.
- If two players are Not human, not Elohim, and on different teams, they may dogpile a victim, if the victim is also not Human, not Elohim, and on a different team.
- The dogpile base chance is 5 * the attitude of the second player towards the current player - 5 * the attitude of the second player towards the victim - 10 (-10 if Aggressive AI is turned off).
- If the Base chance is greater than 0, then the actual chance is the base chance + 1/3 the Armageddon counter (unless the second player is the Balseraphs, then this is replaced with a base 50% chance).
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