Aus CivWiki
Version vom 14. Juni 2006, 11:02 Uhr von (Diskussion) (→Allgemeine Internet Akronyme)
[Verbergen]Liste der gebräuchlichen Akronyme (Civ)
Civ Abkürzungen
Abkürzung | Erläuterung |
AI | Artificial Intelligence, computer player |
AW | Always War |
Barbs | Barbarians |
Beeline | Going directly towards a technology ignoring others |
Civ | Civilization |
CPT | Culture per turn |
DG | Democracy Game / Demi-God level |
Flip | Cultural conversion |
FP | Forbidden Palace / Flood plain |
GA | Golden Age |
GL | Great Leader OR Great Library |
GOTM | Game of the Month |
gov | Government |
GPT | Gold per Turn |
HOF | Hall of Fame |
HP | Hit Point |
ICS | Infinite City Sprawl |
Lux | Luxury resource |
MA | Modern Armor |
Mace, MDI | Medieval Infantry |
MGL | Military Great Leader |
MI | Mechanized Infantry |
Milking | The tedious art of score maximization |
MOW | Mounted Oscillating War/Man-o-War |
MP | Multiplayer/Military Police/Mass Production |
MPP | - Mutual Protection Pact |
NES | Never Ending Story |
NOW | Non-oscillating war |
NOT | No Optional Techs |
OCC | One City Challenge |
(*CC) | (* )City challenge, where (*) is a number |
OCP | Optimal City Placement |
pop | Population |
poprush | rushing a project by killing citizens |
Rambo | Guerilla |
Rep hit | Reputation hit |
RCP | Ring City Placement |
REX | Rapid Early eXpansion |
RL | Real life (as opposed to Civ life ) |
RNG | Random Number Generator |
ROP | Right of Passage |
ROP Rape | Using a Right of Passage agreement to sneak attack your enemy |
SG | Succession Game |
SGL | Scientific Great Leader |
SHOF | Scenario Hall of Fame |
SOD | Stack of Doom |
SoZ | Statue of Zeus |
SPT | Shields per turn |
SS | Space Ship |
SW | Small Wonder |
ToE | Theory of Evolution |
ToG | Theory of Gravity |
UU | Unique Units, Civ-Specific Units |
Vanilla version | This refers to the plain version of the game, w/o expansion packs |
VP | Victory Point |
VPL | Victory Point Location |
Whipping | Rush build using city population (under despotism and communism in Civ3) |
WLTKD | We love the king day |
WYSIWYG | What You See IS What You Get |
WoW | Wonder of the World |
WW | War Weariness |
ZOC | Zone of Control |
Abkürzung | Erläuterung |
PTW | Civ3: Play the World expansion pack (the first Civ3 expansion) |
C3C | Civ3: Conquests expansion pack (the second Civ3 expansion, also includes all of PTW) |
CIC | Civ2 Conflicts in Civilziation expansion |
FW | Civ2 Fantastic Worlds expansion |
MGE | Civ2 Multiplayer Gold Edition |
UCC | Ultimate Classic Collection, European version of Civ2 MGE |
CTP | Activision's Call to Power |
SMAC | Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri |
MOO | Master of Orion |
RON | Rise of Nations |
TOT | Civ2 Test of Time |
SMAC | Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri |
SMAX | Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire |
ISDG Jargon
Abkürzung | Erläuterung |
CFC | Civilization Fantics Center |
CDZ | Civilization Dual Zone |
CGN | Civilization Gaming Network |
C3B | Civ3Brasil |
PAL | People's Army of the Lader |
GWT | German Webring Team |
APO/'poly | Apolyton |
CDG | Creative Design Group |
GCA | Gamecatcher Alliance |
CoIA | Counsel of Internal Affairs |
CoMA | Counsel of Military Affairs |
CoFA | Counsel of Foreign Affairs |
JotC | Justice of the Court |
MSDG | Multi-Site Democracy Game (Generally used to descibe the PTW one) |
ISDG | Intersite Democracy Game (Generally used to describe the C3C one) |
Allgemeine Internet Akronyme
Abkürzung | Erläuterung |
AFAIC | As far as I'm concerned |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
AKA | Also Known As |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
BBL | Be Back Later |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BTW | By The Way |
CP | Computer Player |
E3 | Electronic Entertainment Expo |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question |
IIRC | If I Recall Correctly |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
IMHO, IMO | In My (Humble) Opinion |
J/K | Just Kidding |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
NG | Newsgroup |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
PBEM | Play By E-Mail (form of multiplayer gaming) |
POV | Point Of View |
RTFM | Read The [Flamin'] Manual! |
ROTFL | Rolling On the Floor Laughing |
LMAO | Laughing My Arse Off |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary |
TTFN | Ta ta For Now |
TTYL | Talk To You Later |